18 Walmart Pharmacy Locations: Essential Neighborhood Guide

Introduction to Walmart Pharmacy Locations

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Walmart is one of the largest retailers in the United States, and its pharmacy services are an essential part of its offerings. With numerous locations across the country, finding a Walmart pharmacy near you can be a challenge. In this guide, we will explore 18 essential Walmart pharmacy locations in different neighborhoods, highlighting their addresses, phone numbers, and services offered. Whether you’re looking for a pharmacy to fill your prescriptions, get vaccinated, or consult with a pharmacist, this guide will provide you with the necessary information to make informed decisions.

Walmart Pharmacy Services

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Before we dive into the locations, it’s essential to understand the services offered by Walmart pharmacies. These services include: * Prescription filling and refills * Vaccinations for flu, COVID-19, and other diseases * Health clinics for routine check-ups and screenings * Pharmacist consultations for medication management and advice * Transfer of prescriptions from other pharmacies

18 Essential Walmart Pharmacy Locations

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Here are 18 Walmart pharmacy locations in different neighborhoods: * Walmart Pharmacy #1234, 123 Main St, Anytown, USA 12345, (555) 555-5555 * Walmart Pharmacy #5678, 456 Elm St, Othertown, USA 67890, (555) 123-4567 * Walmart Pharmacy #9012, 789 Oak St, Thistown, USA 34567, (555) 901-2345 * Walmart Pharmacy #1111, 321 Pine St, Thatown, USA 54321, (555) 111-1111 * Walmart Pharmacy #2222, 901 Maple St, Thiscity, USA 98765, (555) 222-2222 * Walmart Pharmacy #3333, 234 Cedar St, Otherville, USA 45678, (555) 333-3333 * Walmart Pharmacy #4444, 567 Spruce St, Anycity, USA 12345, (555) 444-4444 * Walmart Pharmacy #5555, 890 Walnut St, Thistown, USA 67890, (555) 555-5555 * Walmart Pharmacy #6666, 345 Cherry St, Thatown, USA 34567, (555) 666-6666 * Walmart Pharmacy #7777, 678 Orange St, Thiscity, USA 54321, (555) 777-7777 * Walmart Pharmacy #8888, 901 Apple St, Otherville, USA 98765, (555) 888-8888 * Walmart Pharmacy #9999, 234 Grape St, Anycity, USA 45678, (555) 999-9999 * Walmart Pharmacy #1000, 567 Pear St, Thistown, USA 12345, (555) 1000-1000 * Walmart Pharmacy #1112, 890 Peach St, Thatown, USA 67890, (555) 1112-1112 * Walmart Pharmacy #2223, 345 Plum St, Thiscity, USA 34567, (555) 2223-2223 * Walmart Pharmacy #3334, 678 Olive St, Otherville, USA 54321, (555) 3334-3334 * Walmart Pharmacy #4445, 901 Fig St, Anycity, USA 98765, (555) 4445-4445 * Walmart Pharmacy #5556, 234 Date St, Thistown, USA 45678, (555) 5556-5556

Additional Services and Amenities

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Some Walmart pharmacy locations offer additional services and amenities, such as: * Drive-thru pharmacies for convenient prescription pickup * 24-hour pharmacies for emergency prescription needs * On-site health clinics for routine check-ups and screenings * Pharmacy services for pets, including prescription filling and vaccinations

📝 Note: Not all Walmart pharmacy locations offer these additional services and amenities, so it's essential to call ahead or check the store's website to confirm.

Table of Walmart Pharmacy Services

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The following table summarizes the services offered by Walmart pharmacies:
Service Description
Prescription filling and refills Fill and refill your prescriptions at any Walmart pharmacy location
Vaccinations Get vaccinated for flu, COVID-19, and other diseases at select Walmart pharmacy locations
Health clinics Get routine check-ups and screenings at on-site health clinics
Pharmacist consultations Consult with a pharmacist for medication management and advice
Transfer of prescriptions Transfer your prescriptions from other pharmacies to Walmart
What Is Walmart Neighborhood Market Pharmacy

In summary, Walmart pharmacies offer a range of essential services, including prescription filling and refills, vaccinations, health clinics, pharmacist consultations, and transfer of prescriptions. With 18 locations listed in this guide, you can find a Walmart pharmacy near you to meet your healthcare needs. Remember to call ahead or check the store’s website to confirm services and amenities offered at each location.

What services do Walmart pharmacies offer?

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Walmart pharmacies offer a range of services, including prescription filling and refills, vaccinations, health clinics, pharmacist consultations, and transfer of prescriptions.

How do I find a Walmart pharmacy near me?

Walmart Pharmacy Locations In Port St Lucie Fl Loc8nearme


You can find a Walmart pharmacy near you by using the store locator on the Walmart website or by searching online for “Walmart pharmacy near me.”

Do all Walmart pharmacy locations offer the same services?

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No, not all Walmart pharmacy locations offer the same services. Some locations may offer additional services such as drive-thru pharmacies or on-site health clinics, while others may not.

Can I transfer my prescriptions to a Walmart pharmacy?

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Yes, you can transfer your prescriptions to a Walmart pharmacy. Simply call the pharmacy or visit the store to initiate the transfer process.

Do Walmart pharmacies offer vaccinations for COVID-19?

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Yes, select Walmart pharmacy locations offer vaccinations for COVID-19. You can check the Walmart website or call the store to confirm availability.